Cocktails & MocktailsLiquor

Winter gin-spiration for World Gin Day

When you think of gin, you probably think of lazy summer afternoons and gazing off into the picturesque distance without a care in the world. Unfortunately, this side of the equator, World Gin Day takes place in the middle of winter. While we firmly believe that gin can be enjoyed year-round, perhaps you’re looking for something a little more winter friendly to honour the occasion.

Here are our three favourite warm gin cocktails to serve this World Gin Day:

If you’re hosting a classy winter dinner party, serve a Hot Negroni
A hot take on a classic Italian cocktail, this wonderful winter warmer has delicious berry undertones and is best enjoyed on a cold winter evening. Bonus points if you can organise a wood fire and play some Pavarotti in the background. Class is your name. Hot Negronis are your game.

You’ll need:
1 part Sipsmith London Dry Gin; 1 part Campari; 1 part sweet vermouth; berry tea; and an optional dehydrated orange or fresh orange slice (for the wow factor).

Pour the first three ingredients into a mug and stir. Top with hot berry tea. Garnish with a dehydrated orange or a fresh orange slice.
If you’re in need of some vitamin C, serve a Hot Clements

If you’re looking for the ‘fun aunt’ version of a flu juice, the Hot Clements is the drink for you. A delightfully sippable twist on the zesty St Clements cocktail, this tasty winter drink has the added bonus of a sneaky immune system boost! Whether you opt for clementine juice or orange juice, it’s bound to be the perfect winter tipple.

You’ll need:
1 part Sipsmith London Dry Gin; 3 parts warm clementine (or orange) juice; 1 teaspoon simple syrup; 1 teaspoon lemon juice; and a sprig of mint to garnish (if you’re feeling fancy).

Combine all the ingredients in a glass. Stir. Garnish with a sprig of mint.
If you’re classic, but don’t want to freeze, serve a Hot G&T
Can’t stand mulled wine, but in need of a winter warmer? Turn up the heat on a classic favourite and try a Hot G&T. Say goodbye to frozen hands from clasping your drink all night. It’s a G&T in a trench coat – bold, yet stylishly simple. Enjoy all the fun of a regular G&T but with some winter-friendly spunk.

You’ll need:
2 parts Sipsmith London Dry Gin; 1 part tonic syrup; hot water; and an orange twist to garnish (for that extra pizzaz).
Combine the gin and tonic syrup in a mug or heatproof stem glass. Stir well. Top with boiling water. Garnish with an orange twist.
Celebrate the brilliant juniper-laced spirit in all its glory this World Gin Day by serving up some hot takes of your favourite gin cocktails. After all – in our humble opinion, at least – gin is always a good idea.