
Facing your fears as an entrepreneur

Five benefits of saying cheers to your fears and building big

Fear is a natural human emotion in response to either perceived or real threats and if left unchecked, can hold us back from reaching our full potential, both personally and professionally. “As an entrepreneur, it’s crucial to recognize and overcome your fears to grow and succeed in any business venture,” says Jacqui van Rooijen, director at Ycagel.

“The reasons for and the type of fear varies and when it comes to business, fear of failure and the fear of rejection, underpinned by the universal fear of the unknown, are two of the most common. For entrepreneurs, these fears can be particularly crippling, preventing them from taking the risks sometimes necessary for success,” she explains. “However, it’s important to first understand that fear is a natural part of the entrepreneurial journey and when confronted and dealt with appropriately, plays an essential role in your personal growth, apart from having a compelling impact on your approach to business.”

Jacqui provides some insights on five key benefits of facing and overcoming your fears and how these can contribute to maximizing your potential:

Builds Confidence:

One of the primary advantages of dealing with your fears is increased confidence in your abilities. This self-confidence will give you the courage to take on bigger challenges, make bold decisions, and push the boundaries of what you thought was possible.

Unlocks Creativity:

When you are not held back by fear, you are free to explore new ideas and think outside the box with greater creativity and innovation. This can lead to breakthroughs in your thinking and inspire new ways of doing things. This is especially valuable for entrepreneurs who are always on the lookout for new and innovative solutions to challenges faced in their businesses.

 Develops Resilience:

Entrepreneurship can be a difficult and unpredictable journey at times, and it’s important to be able to bounce back from challenges and setbacks. Overcoming fear builds resilience and bolsters your ability to manage adversity.

 Expanded Professional Networks:

Fear-busting will give you the courage to be able to take risks and reach out more to others for help and support. This can lead to new business relationships, greater collaboration, and growth opportunities.

 Deeper Sense of Purpose:

Unimpeded by fear, you will be able to pursue your passions and work towards your goals with more focus and determination, achieving a deeper sense of purpose and fulfilment in life. It will also give wings to all the innate aspirations and abilities that turned you into an entrepreneur in the first place.

“Owning up to fear and then learning to conquer it, is a personal development imperative and will have a significant impact on your future growth as an entrepreneur. Take the time, therefore, to reflect on, and recognize those things that are holding you back from taking the next big step. Then, start finding ways to control and defeat them. The benefits will be immense, and you will be amazed at how much you can achieve,” concludes Jacqui.