Cocktails & MocktailsLiquor

What to serve with Gin: A guide to the best food flavours

We all know it goes well with tonic, but have you ever wondered if gin pairs well with food? Well, the short answer is, of course! Wine pairings are frankly overdone but what isn’t, is a gin pairing.

Set yourself on a course to become a gin pairing connoisseur and start matching delicious foods with the iconic juniper-based drink. Here are some ideas.

Crispy fish and chips

How to make an already iconic combo even more perfect? Add gin. Gin offers a refreshingly crisp finish that counters the rich and oily taste of fish and chips. Not only that, but seafood in general is delicious with gin. Try smoked salmon, prawns and even sushi. Their briny, delicate flavour is a match made in heaven paired with almost any gin creation you concoct.

Nut-stuffed camembert with honey drizzle

Complement your cheeseboard with something out of the ordinary. Strongly flavoured cheeses like camembert, Stilton, and your favourite cheddar cheese pair well with the botanical notes of gin. Nuts like salted peanuts, almonds, cashews, hazelnuts, pistachios, and macadamias are recommended because of their fatty and salty taste that – again – pairs amazingly with gin. Put these together, drizzle with honey, and what do you get? A gin enthusiast’s favourite appetiser! It’s the perfect sweet, salty, and creamy combo you should definitely try at the next dinner party.

Hot and spicy street food

Ever seen mixologists push the limits and mix gin and tonic with hot spices? Complementing gin’s sharp and crisp notes with heat tends to cool and refresh the palette and heightens the overall taste experience. But, it’s not just about the heat, gin’s botanical notes go well with other spices found in curries and samosa fillings. For a South African twist, try pap with Sheba. Just make sure that all the flavours complement each other, then add a dash of gin to your fiery meat marinade for an extra level of complexity.

Fruity chocolatey treats

If you’re looking to extend your gin pairings to dessert, we’ve got you covered. Chocolate has a creamy and rich flavour profile that complements the herbaceous hints of juniper in gin. Gin’s herbal notes help white chocolate shine, while milk and dark chocolate paired with berries or citrus highlight its floral flavours. For a fruity twist, add some orange or peach slices to your dessert, or coat cherries and lychees in chocolate for a unique contrast against the bitter fizz of your G&T.

For the perfect tipple to use with your gin pairing, Sipsmith London Dry Gin is a great all-rounder. Handcrafted the way gin used to be made, the way gin should be made. It’s infused with ten botanicals and blended with pure water from Lydwell spring (the source of the River Thames). Bold, complex and aromatic – it’s exactly what you need to bring out the flavours of all kinds of foods.

When it comes to gin and food pairings, the sky is the limit. The trick is to ensure your array of ingredients are balanced and that you marry the flavours of Sipsmith’s juniper, citrus, and floral notes with the food. Now’s the time to step behind the bar and put your gin-stronomy skills to the test. Happy sipping!